A list of new features, and features that were new when they got added.
This is pretty much the entire history of how WheresTheGig® ended up the way it is today.
Dec 8, 2024
Disable Unavailable Members on Gig Form Personnel Tab
Band members who have set unavailable dates will now be disabled for
selection on the gig form Personnel tab when there is a conflicting
gig date.
Dec 1, 2024
Tabular Information On Analytics Page
In addition to the analytics graphs, data is now also
displayed in tabular form. Table rows are clickable to drill-down.
Nov 13, 2024
Confirmation Response Status Filtering
There is now a filter field for the confirmation response status table, so
you can quickly check on multiple gigs for a particular member.
Oct 26, 2024
Gig Staffing
Staffing is an alternative method for assigning personnel to your events. It
is based on the staffing positions necessary to provision an event, so for a
corporate show example, you can create a profile that contains bass,
drums, guitar, keyboard, lead vocals, two background vocals, sax, trumpet,
trombone, FOH engineer, monitor engineer etc.
When you are first creating the gig perhaps you want to check with two or
three bass players for their availability, so you assign them to the "bass"
staffing position, and later you can make your final assignment. The
member's Confirmation Response status is shown along with the staffing
information on the Gig Detail page.
The Staffing feature keeps track and flags gigs with unresolved staffing status
and will also flag assignees that have availability issues or conflicting gig
assignments. In addition, a global gig staffing summary is shown for all
upcoming gigs, so your event planners know which gigs require their
Oct 22, 2024
Band Instance Field
The Band Instance is useful for bands that have multiple instances
so they can perform at multiple gigs on a particular date,
like MyBand1, MyBand2, etc. It can also be used for the band format
for bands that perform in large or small units,
like MyBand 10 pc, MyBand Trio.
July 10, 2024
Gig Mileage Export To Excel
You may now export your gig mileage as an Excel file. The export action will appear at
the top of the mileage table after the venue distance computations are complete.
Mar 11, 2024
Gig Travel.
The new Travel tab on the gig from allows you to define gig travel days, and specify travel events
like flight information, lodging, and others. Video here:
Feb 16, 2024
Import Band Members From Your Other Account.
If you run more than one project but use many of the same musicians, you can
now copy their information and logins from your other account to your new one.
Saves the time of entering the information by hand.
You can also do this with your venues.
Nov 8, 2023
Confirmation Request Response Emails.
Confirmation request response emails--the email that notifies the administrator
that a band member has responded to a confirmation request--will now be sent to
the administrative user that last modified the gig.
This is useful if an account has several people booking gigs, so the booker of
a particular gig will be the one notified about a response. Note that the administrative
user must be associated to a Personnel entry, otherwise the email goes to the general
account administrator email.
Nov 05, 2023
WYSIWYG Editor For Gig Detail Comments
Provides for word-processing type of formatting for gig information, including fonts, headings,
text and background colors, numbered lists, bullet lists, and links.
Comment Fields Optionally Included In Excel Download
When enabled on the Settings page, the
band comments, administrator comments, public comments, meal comments,
sound comments, and lights comments will be included in the Gig info Excel download.
Additional Comment Fields For Gig Info.
Comments are now available for the gig meal, sound, and lights information. This is useful for
providing technical notes for the engineers.
Multiple Personnel Roles.
Provide gig-specific roles for personnel. This is mainly a feature for gig support staff
position assignments. See video below.
Personnel ranking.
Provide ranking informating for personnel on the gig entry form. See video for more details.
Aug 13, 2023
Google Calendar Export App Verified.
The Google application review team has verified the WheresTheGig export application.
July 22, 2023
Configurable attribute set for Gig Alerts and member gig list.
The set of attributes displayed on the members gig list is now configurable in
the same manner as for the admin gig list (Settings => Attributes). Likewise
for Gig Alerts.
June 23, 2023
Multi-item Confirmation Request Affirmation Email Sends
You may now send multiple confirmation request affirmation emails via the
checkboxes on the confirmation request status table.
June 23, 2023
Multi-account User Blackouts
If you have multi-account gig display enabled, the Calendar View will include information
for user blackouts across all accounts for which you are an administrator.
June 18, 2023
Google Calendar API
Upgraded Google Calendar export to use Google Calendar API V3. Nothing should
be noticeable to users, however this helps to prepare the WheresTheGig Google app
for verification by Google.
May 26, 2023
Template Select Filter
The gig form template select menu is now filterable, to make it easier for
accounts with a large number of gig templates.
May 10, 2023
Gig Finance
Gig finance tracking features are now available in WheresTheGig.
Dec 18, 2022
Prefill Login Account
Last successful login account name is saved and used to prefill the login account field.
August 15, 2022
Setlist Performer Replacement
There is now a feature to replace song performers
that are listed on gig setlists. This is useful if the band member that typically performs
a song has to be subbed out for a gig. Using the performer replacement feature will set the
performer on the setlist to the replacement performer.
July 4, 2022
Gig Reminder Emails
An option has been added that when enabled will send reminder emails one day before a gig
to band members that are assigned to the event. These are like automated gig alerts.
June 4, 2022
Travel Day Status
A new gig status has been added to flag travel days. In addition to helping with organization,
travel day status will also check against gig conflicts.
May 6, 2022
Venue Notification Templates
Simplify communications with your performance venues using the new Venue Notification
Template feature.
Apr 19, 2022
Character Set SupportWheresTheGig® now supports complex character sets:
Dec 29, 2021
Weekly Gig List Emails
When enabled, a list of upcoming events will be emailed once a week (Monday
morning) to band members. The event list will include only gigs a particular member is assigned to.
May 30, 2021
New Responsive Version of WheresTheGig.com
Making lemonade out of the lemon that is the Covid-19 virus, I used the time available
to me due to the lack of gigs to do a new full front and backend implementation of WheresTheGig.com.
The new site runs on all devices, from high-resolution monitors to mobile devices, and includes
many feature upgrades to the setlist creation, band member services, and others.
Jan 5, 2020
Images and External Resources For Mobile Setlist Song Details
The WheresTheGig song detail feature has been in place for some time,
providing plain text notes such as text chord charts / lyrics / sound and
light cues, etc. This feature is upgraded to include images for charts and
external links for lyrics sites and PDF displays.
Oct 27, 2019
Address tooltips The venues in the gig list and gig entry form will now display
a tool tip shoing the venue address when you hover the mouse cursor over them.
Sept 21, 2019
Band Member Confirmation Requests Improvement There is now a page
on the band members site where the can review and respond to outstanding confirmation
requests. This is in addition to the current confirmation request emails.
Sept 20, 2019
Faster, More Reliable Member Blackouts I've improved the process
for setting band member blackouts, so update happen immediately upon calendar updates.
Sept 08, 2019
Multi-Account Auto-Blackouts
When you are assigned to a gig on one account WheresTheGig® can automatically
create member blackout entries on your other associated accounts. See that page at:
"Set My Blackouts" => "Configure Multi-account Blackout Handling"
Historical Member Blackout Export
You can now export all member blackouts, past and present as a CSV file which can
be read into Excel and other spreadsheet programs. Use the link at:
"Set My Blackouts"
=> "List All Personnel Blackouts"
=> "Export all account blackouts (past and present) as CSV (Excel)"
Apr 21, 2019
Song Tags
Makes set creation much more efficient. Song tags allow you to set characteristics
about the songs in your song list, like
perhaps "Set opener", "Set closer", "Has guitar solo", etc, and then user those
tags to filter your song list during set creation.
Feb 24, 2019
Confirmation Request Resend
You can now select "Resend Request" from the "Reset Response" action menu instead of having
to purge the record and resend through the gig update action.
Feb 12, 2019
Venue Export
You can now export your venue list as a CSV file for input to Excel.
Feb 12, 2019
Member Unavailability Export To Google Calendar
Band members can now export their own unavailability dates during Google Calendar exports.
Administrators will export all band members' unavailability dates, and members will export
only their own dates.
Feb 9, 2019
Easier Set List Creation
You can now filter your songs by name and genre on the set list creation page for easier access.
Also, the set list panel scrolls so you don't have to reposition the page for large sets.
Feb 6, 2019
Exclude Songs From Public Song List
If you have some songs that you'd rather not have show up on your public
song list page you can now use the Public/Nonpublic Genre setting to keep some songs private.
Nov 7, 2018
More Complete BandsInTown Export
The BandsInTown export now uses all fields in their example template, although some of these do not have counterparts in WheresTheGig® (e.g. ticket information, maybe coming soon though) and so are left blank. Additional fields populated are:
Lineup defaults to band name
Event Name is populated by WTG event name value
Description is populated by Public Comments content.
Jul 3, 2018
New Mobile Site
I've made a complete rewrite of the WheresTheGig® mobile version. Better
actions and navigigation, and more easily upgradable with more functionality.
May 6, 2018
Gig Alert SMS Notification
In addition to Gig Alert emails, WheresTheGig® will now optionally send an
SMS to band members assigned to the gig (if their cell phone and cell carrier
information is available). This is enabled from the main (web browser) Gig Alert
Sept 30, 2017
Email CC to Administrator
I've added a feature will send the band administrator CCs of emails that are
sent to band members by WheresTheGig®. This is helpful if you, the administrator, want
confirmation that the messages are going out. This can be helpful if a band member
is not receiving the notification emails because of erroneous spam flagging, or
to resolve other notification-related issues.
This is currently implemented for Gig Alert and Confirmation Request emails.
June 16, 2017
Local Calendar ICal Feed
There is now an iCalendar feed on the export page, so you can sync your calendar
client application directly to your WheresTheGig® gigs.
Feb 7, 2017
Export Gigs To Excel
Click the Excel icon on the gigs list page. To export past gigs, reset the start date
and click the export icon.
Export Gigs To "Band In Town"
An option has been added on the export page for this.
Jan 1, 2017
WheresTheGig® Goes Metric!
Gig miliage now provided KM or miles.
Dec 25, 2016
Member Unavailability Updates
I've added some features associated with the band member
unavailability (blackout). First, there is now an option for your
members to flag a date as "Maybe Unavailable". When enabled, the
blackout calendar gives members the choice of flagging a date as Free,
Busy, or Maybe.
https://wheresthegig.com/faq.html#personnel_blackout_maybe. Also,
member conflicts are now highlighted on your gig list. Clicking the
conflict highlight shows a list of the conflicting members.
Sep 5, 2016
Assign Gigs By Band Member
You may now easily assign gigs by band member. This is very useful if, for example, a new
member comes on board and you want to assign them to all of your future gigs. Click the
[Gig Assignment] button on the "Review/Edit Personnel" page.
Aug 28, 2016
Band Member Setlist Review
Allows band members to review active set lists; On their "Song List" page.
May 1, 2016
Password Reset
There is now a password reset feature so users don't have to send me emails
asking me to reset their passwords anymore.
April 24, 2016
Event Name at Venue
You many now add an event name in addition to the venue, so for example
"Fall Dance" can be shown in addition to a "Jones Park" venue.
April 04, 2016
Improved look to the site
John McCloy of The Contenders band
has done an excellent job of creating a new logo, icons, and other graphics. Many thanks, John!
Feb 23, 2016
External Gig Resources
If you have a file or folder full of files with information associated
with a gig you can use the External Resource field on the Gig Entry form
(in the Additional Gig Information section). This is handy for things
like PDF files containing parking passes or access passes, or anything
else you might want to provide to your members. If you don't have your
own server (likely) you can use file sharing systems like DropBox.com,
Google Drive, and many others to host your files.
Dec 6, 2015
Hide Contact Info
If you don't want band members (non-administrators) to see other members' contact
information such as phone and email typically displayed on the Gig Details
page you can hide it using the Hide Contact Info checkbox on the Site Configuration page.
Nov 16, 2015
Personal Gig Notes
Band members may now record gig-related information and have it show
up on their gig details. This is a great feature for keeping all of your
gig information in one place; for example flight information, or special
tasks that are particular to the member, but not relevant to the rest of
the band.
Jun 8, 2015
Color Pickers
Instead of having to lookup colors for the gig schedule images there
are now color pickers for your convenience.
Jun 1, 2014
Set Other Member's Unavailable Dates
Administrators may now set unavailable dates for other band members. Click
the "Other Members" radio option on the "Set My Blackouts" page.
Apr 13, 2014
Modified Facebook timezone handling
Facebook now requires that events provide a timezone. WheresTheGig® uses
the timezone of the event venue, or the timezone of your Facebook account
if no venue is associated with a gig.
Feb 15, 2014
Song List Uploads using .XLSX FilesWheresTheGig® will
now accept both .xls and .xlsx files for song list imports.
Oct 21, 2013
Implemented Song Detail Notes Great for displaying
your lyrics, charts, and other detailed performance notes when you're on
the gig. Click on the song from your mobile device set list to display your
song notes. Quick font size adjustment and navigation to the next set song.
Song list now shown on mobile version with ability to review and edit song
detail notes.
Oct 7, 2013
Implemented bulk personnel information uploads Accounts
that have many members, like big bands, orchestras, choirs, etc. may now
upload all of their personnel information from a spreadsheet instead
of entering each member one at a time on the Personnel form.
Sep 30, 2013
Reimplemented site for faster response I recoded the site
so I can use the mod_perl feature of the Apache web server. This should make
the site much more efficient and more responsive.
Aug 3, 2013
Exports to Google Calendar reimplemented The current version uses
Google's application authentication which is much more secure, reliable, and easier to use.
July 27, 2013
WheresTheGig is now on its own server This will improve responsiveness
and reliability of the system.
June 2, 2013
Confirmation request system improvements:
Confirmation status may now be set manually on the "Review Confirmation Requests" page.
A member's confirmation response status is shown on the gig details page personnel table.
May 26, 2013
Confirmation request email handling added to mobile version.
Public calendars will now show past events.
April 28, 2013
There is now an option during the Google Calendar sync to include member unavailability information so they will also show up on your Google calendar. In addition I've streamlined the sync process to make it faster and more straightforward.
April 21, 2013
Added Confirmation Request process: Confirmation Request email now
includes a link in which the member can accept or decline the gig. An
automatic email is sent to the manager. A summary page to review upcoming
gigs with associated confirmation requests is available, with an action
button to confirm a member's gig participation.
March 31, 2013
In place song editing:
It is now much quicker and easier to update song information on the song list page. Clicking the [Enable]
button above the song table allows you to just click on an item in the table to update it directly, instead
of having the display the song edit form first (although you can still do that if you want to).
Dec 29, 2012
New Booking Service Page so clients can check your availability and send you a booking request.
This is in addition to the already available booking agent services page. Click on the "Client Booking Services"
link in the "Review Other Site Pages" section on your main administration page to check it out,
and see how to integrate it into your website on the
[Site Customization] => [Public Pages] page. Thanks to the band EarlyByrds for the suggestion.
Sept 8, 2012
WheresTheGig will now automatically post your gigs to your Twitter feed.
See the FAQ, or the video for more details.
March 30, 2012
Mobile Gig Setlist Association:
You can now associate sets to your gigs on the mobile version.
March 17, 2012
Mobile Setlists: You can now display gig setlists on your iPhone or Android device.
March 7, 2012
Mass song delete: Select multiple songs in your songlist and delete them all at once.
Feb 25, 2012
Login persistence: Sick of having to log in to WheresTheGig every time? No more!
Once you log in, when you return to
WheresTheGig.com you will automatically be sent to your account. To logout
of your account use the Log Out
link at the top of the page.
Feb 5, 2012
Added time pickers to the gig time textfields.
Dec 27, 2011
Multi-account features are now available to all users, not just administrative users.
Account switching on the mobile version is now available to all users,
not just administrative users.
Dec 17, 2011
Added account switching to mobile version.
Apr 17, 2011
Reimplemented the date pickers with jquery UI picker.
Apr 14, 2011
Reimplemented the gig entry/edit page to use accordion panels.
March 26, 2011
After 11 years, I've redesigned the main administration page.
Feb 16, 2011
You can now publish your public gigs to your (or your band's) Facebook event calendar. New
gigs are added and existing gigs are updated with the latest info. Click the "Export To Calendar"
link at the top of the page, and then on the Facebook logo.
See the FAQ for more details.
Dec 12, 2010
Install the convenient (and free) WheresTheGig Android App on your phone. Search "WheresTheGig.com" in the android market.
Nov 07, 2010
Yeah. More Droid stuff. You can now upload your schedule to your
Google Calendar from your smartphone. If your phone is configured
to sync with Google Calendar (as Droid phones are by default) your gigs will automatically
show up on your calendar application.
Thanks to Steve Thompson from
Lantieka Productions for the suggestion.
Oct 23, 2010
I've added the Band Member Blackout features to the iPhone / Droid app. Let
me know if there are any other features that would be nice to have included in the mobile version.
Oct 23, 2010
Something for both the iPhone and the Droid to love.
WheresTheGig now has an iPhone and Droid friendly site. Point your phone's browser to
Sep 5, 2010
As part of my never-ending quest to let you interoperate with every other gig site in the world,
WheresTheGig now provides exports compatible with GigPress
on the "Export To Calendar" page.
Aug 28, 2010
Archive Setlists to unclutter your list of sets. If you have a lot
of setlists it's likely that there are some that you don't use too often. On the setlist
management page you can now select setlists to be "Archived". They won't show up on your
list of setlists until you click the [Show Archived Setlists] button. More about this
here. Thanks to Pete from the
Petesimple band for the suggestion.
May 8, 2010
Nice Multiple Account Features Do you have more than one
WheresTheGig account and want to show gigs from all accounts
on your calendar? Are you tired of logging off of one account and logging in
again as you manage different band's information? Would you rather switch
accounts with a simple click of a button?
Check out the new Multi Accounts View page
on the lower navigation bar of the "Display Gigs" tab.
Details here.
March 13, 2010
Excel Songlist Upload. You can now upload your songlists using Excel files. Also,
when you upload your songlist information it updates the information for any existing songs
in your songlist. This means that you can maintain your songlist in your excel file and just
upload your file when you make any songlist changes.
Thanks to John from the
Sir Squid band for the suggestion.
Feb 22, 2010
Sort Songs By Artist, Genre, Etc You can now sort the song list on the Set
Creation page by Song Name, Artist, Genre, and Performer to make it easier to pick songs for
your set.
Feb 21, 2010
Personnel Blackout ICal Export: It may be convenient for you to
have all of your band member unavailable days on your personal calendar to help
answer immediate availablity questions without having to login to WheresTheGig.
Instructions here.
ICal Export For Fans: Your fans can now import your public gigs
directly into their personal calendars.
See here for details.
Nov 5, 2009
WheresTheGig now provides exports for the popular sites Sonicbids
and ReverbNation on the "Export To Calendar" page.
Thanks to Pete from the
Petesimple band for the suggestion.
July 28, 2009
All Users See All Blackouts. There is now an option to allow non-administrative
users to see all members' blackout dates. Until now, non-administrative users could see only
their own blackout dates. You can enable this option on the "Site Customization"=>"Account Options"
page. Thanks to Steve from the Lovetrain band for the suggestion.
July 25, 2009
Rewrote Configuration Page. The site configuration page
has bugged me for a long time. I didn't like the long single page and
the organization wasn't that great. I've recoded it so that the configuration
items are logically grouped on separate "tab" pages.
June 28, 2009
Band Members See Only Their Gigs. You can now configure your site so that
band members see only the gigs they're playing on when their schedule is displayed.
See the FAQ for details.
Thanks to Douglas from the
Nobody Famous band for the suggestion.
June 20, 2009
Personnel Blackout Date Notification. You will now be automatically notified by
email when your band members update their unavailable dates.
Thanks to Jody from the
Masterpiece band for the suggestion.
May 31, 2009
Personnel Blackout Day Comments. Your band members can now give you
more information about their unavailable days. Maybe they're only busy during the day so you
can still do that night gig after all!
Feb 16, 2009
Drag and Drop Set Lists: Set Duration. You now see your set duration in real-time
during set creation and update.
Feb 8, 2009
Drag and Drop Set Lists. I've been wanting to revamp the set list handling for
a long time. I think you'll like this: You can now create sets by dragging songs from your
song list to the set list, and drag the songs within the set to reorder them.
Jan 25, 2009
No. WheresTheGig won't do your taxes, but it can make doing them a bit easier. It will
now automatically compute your gig mileages (thanks to Google's Map API). Be sure
to verify that the mileages are correct, 'cause I'm not going to come bail you out
when you get audited! For more information see the FAQ.
Jan 2, 2008
Happy New Year! I hope you all had fantastic New Years gigs.
In celebration of the new year I've added a nifty little feature to WheresThegig:
Automatic Schedule Update Notifications. When enabled WheresTheGig
will, once a day,
automatically email all band members a list of all the schedule changes you made;
new gigs, modified gigs, and deleted gigs.
So now you don't have to call or email everyone telling them to check
WheresTheGig for updates. They get them automatically! An nice
feature of this mail is that it keeps your non-regular band members (fill in musicians
that may not have access to your WheresTheGig account) up-to-date, too.
Click here for more info.
Sep 14, 2007
You can now put your WheresTheGig show calendar on MySpace. See
the FAQ for simple, step-by-step
instructions. For a nice example of WheresTheGig calendar integration
into a MySpace, check out
The Factory Band's page.
Aug 26, 2007
More Gig Alert improvements: You can now select the set of gig personnel to send
the gig alerts to. Also, you can include a note to be included at the top of the
gig alert email.
Thanks to Deanna from the
Swing Sisters band for the suggestion.
Aug 11, 2007
You can now automatically send out your gig set lists with
your Gig Alerts. Just select the checkbox on the Gig Alert Confirmation
page. Any setlists that you've associated with your gig will be sent as email attachments.
Thanks to John from the
Sir Squid band for the suggestion. (Sir Squid?!? Hey!
They laughed at "Led Zeppelin" too).
Aug 4, 2007
More RSS goodness. You can now have your RSS feed show only
the gigs you're playing, instead of all the band's gigs. Make sure band management
gets the personnel assignments right if you're going to use this. Click the RSS link
at the top of your account page to create your "My Gigs Only" feed.
Also, you might want to remove your old RSS feed after you create your new one.
Thanks to Mike from the
Ty England band for the suggestion.
July 7, 2007
New PDA Version
It's your lucky day (7/7/07)!
I've completed the PDA-friendly version of WheresTheGig. It
has pretty basic functionality: List gigs, Gig detail, Add gig, Edit gig,
Delete gig. If there's some other functionalty you want in the PDA version,
let me know.
Member-unavailable dates on calendar.
The member-unavailable dates will now show up on the Calendar View
as a link (who's busy) on any days that band members have flagged.
Clicking on the (who's busy) link will popup a list of the members
who clearly lack the commitment necessary to make your band a success.
April 21, 2007
"What do you mean you're busy and you can't do the gig?"
Are you sick and tired of booking gigs only to find that one or more of your
band members are busy that night? Usually with some misplaced priority involving an
anniversary or childbirth? Well, WheresTheGig can help.
By popular demand--and I do mean "popular", at least five bands have asked for this--your
band members can now set their unavailable dates so you'll know when to book
gigs or when you'll need to hire a fill-in musician (me, if you need a keyboardist :-).
Details are here.
Jan 17, 2007
WheresTheGig will now sync with the awesome Google Calendar.
See the instructions for more info.
So how is this useful? Some examples:
Say that you never want to miss a Kazoo Komposers Klub
meeting. They publish their meetings on a public Google Calendar. You can
display your WheresTheGig schedule on a combined calendar to make sure you
don't book a conflicting gig.
You use lots of different musicians for your gigs. You get them to publish
their busy dates on a shared Google Calendar. You can then overlay your upcoming
schedule with their calendar to see who's not available.
You use WheresTheGig to book 12 bands and you want to see their schedules all
on a single calendar.
You have a busy life outside of your music. You can see your music and non-music
obligations on a combined calendar.
Thanks to John from the
SirSquid band for the suggestion.
May 7, 2006
In addition to RSS feeds for
your users, your public calendar is also RSS enabled. Your
fans can now be kept up-to-date right from their own browser.
Let them know the good news!
Thanks to Tracy from the
The Factory band for the suggestion.
March 11, 2006
Show your Song List on your band's
Website. You can now show a nicely formated
songlist by linking to your account's public song list, which
uses the information from your band songlist. You can enable the
public songlist from your "Site Configuration" page.
Thanks to Tim from the "Hott Prrsuit" band for suggesting and
subsidizing this improvement.
January 27, 2006
You can now logoff of WheresTheGig! Look for the Log
Out link at the top-right. Logging out will add a bit
of security, as no one will be able to use your browser to
modify any of your account information after logging off. It's
also a quick way to get back to the WheresTheGig main page if
you need to login to a different account.
December 29, 2005
WheresTheGig is now RSS enabled. This means that you can have
your gig schedule show up automatically in your web browser.
Very convenient. Examples with picture goodness are
Thanks to Pete from Petesimple for
the suggestion.
November 26, 2005
You can now export your songlist in CSV format. This is
useful if you want to use other programs to manipulate your
songlist. For example, you may want to sort your songs by
genre, or create a songlist page for your website.
Click here for more detail.
November 11, 2005
Added amusing, pithy quotes to the bottom of the PDF setlists.
November 6, 2005
The Stage Setlists are now available in PDF. What does this mean
to you?
You can save the PDF setlist file and easily attach it to a mail message for distribution.
PDF files print more consistently than printing from a browser web page.
The setlist should always print on a single page.
October 23, 2005
I've implemented the Calendar View as a client-side
application. This is similar to some of the cool stuff that
Google is doing with their mail and maps. This doesn't mean
you can do mail and maps from the Calendar View, but what it
does mean is that the Calendar View should be much more
responsive. On the administrative page, you are now able to do
most gig-related functions (add, delete, edit, gig alert) right
from the Calendar interface.
Because different web browsers behave differently with
non-trivial Javascript and CSS, I have enabled the client-side
calendar only for the browsers I am able to test with. This
includes Firefox (recommended), IE 6 or better, and
Opera v. 8.5 or better. I have a feeling that it will
probably work with a newer version of Apple's Safari, but I
haven't yet been able to check this out.
Created a new logo and cleaned up the look of the pages
(in my opinion, at least).
July 3, 2005
WheresTheGig now uses Google Maps for U.S. venues.
Why? Because their map site is so cool. You can actually
click and drag the map, which is pretty innovative.
June 6, 2005
Now you can conveniently review personnel
details from the "Gig Details" page (admin users
only) by simply clicking on the player's name. This will be
really handy
if you need to get the
backline info (that you can store in the personnel "notes") for
everyone on a particular gig.
May 29, 2005
This update will help you work with your Setlists.
The song list on the New Set and Edit
Set pages shows you which songs are assigned to
sets, and when you mouse over the song name the sets are shown
as a popup "tooltip". Here's an example: The song "All Star"
has been moused-over and the sets it belongs to--Ethan's "Bitchen"
Set, and Rock Set 3--are shown in the small popup.
May 14, 2005
Happy Birthday to me!! As a child I remember Sheriff
John singing Put another candle on my birthday cake, I'm
another year old today. In celebration of this happy occasion
I've added a nifty feature for you management types out there.
Let's say you manage a bunch of bands. You used to have to copy
all of the venue information by hand when you set up a new
account on WheresTheGig. Now, WheresTheGig will do it for you!
Look here for more
information. Thanks to Holly for the suggestion.
February 20, 2005
Someone once said If a picture paints a thousand
words, then why can't I paint you? (O.K., so it was three
people: Evans, Damerell, and Hargreaves). Now's your chance to
"paint a thousand words" about your gigs. Click the
new Show Gig Graphs link from the main administration
page, on the sub-navigation bar.
January 21, 2005
just like this entry, this actually is one of my "real responsibilities"!
Leah Elizabeth Brown. 6 lbs, 11 oz. Born
just about the same time as her sister!
January 19, 2005
Added a general CSV gig schedule dump. Useful if you want
to load your gig info into OpenOffice or Excel, or if you need
to upload your gig info to some other sites in the CSV
format. Look on the page.
January 16, 2005
Woohoo!! Finally moved the site to the New
Server. It was a major effort to recode the backend
to use a database, but well worth it. The reponse time on the
new server is significantly faster.
October 17, 2004
You can now add Segue Notes to your set lists.
What are Segue Notes?
The text of the Segue Notes will be printed on the stage-sized setlist between the
song titles. These notes are placed according to song order,
so even if you change the songs in the set list, the notes will still be printed at the
same place in the list.
What are Segue Notes for? They're to inform you of anything that happens between songs during the set.
For example, maybe the band always pauses for a moment of silence between songs 4 and 5. Or perhaps
after song 3 in the set the front man tells his "Send In The Clowns" joke.
Thanks to Grievy for this suggestion.
October 10, 2004
You can now set your gig dates with a convenient popup calendar. Here's a screenshot:
Thanks to Matt Kruse's excellent opensource javascript popup calendar.
September 24, 2004
Export your gig information into your Outlook, Evolution, PDA,
or Cellphone calendar. Click here to see how.
Converted site formating to use Cascading Style Sheets and other miscellaneous formatting improvements.
The navigation tab bar is now done in pure HTML and should speed up page loads. Also,
the Gig Details page has been completely reformatted and should now fit on a single printed page.
July 5, 2004
You now have the choice of displaying your public gigs as a Calendar or
as a Listing. I personally think the listing format is pretty slick. Here's an
To enable the listing format, go to the [Site Config] page, Fan and booking agent services section,
and select the "As a listing" choice.
Improved the look of the regular public calendar by allowing line breaks in the
venue names.
Maybe you noticed this: No, you're not losing it,
the little exclamation points really are moving. When you see the moving exclamation points it means
that there really is something new on the site. Don't worry, they'll get tired and stop moving about
one week after the update.
Do these modifications rock? Check out the entry for April 10th :-).
April 10, 2004
You may have noticed this cute new graphic
. Go on. Click it!
You know you want to :-).
March 19, 2004
If you've been wanting a nice, simple printable song list, you're
in luck. Go to the [Song/Setlist Management]->[Song List] page and click the
[Show Printable Songlist] link below the [New Song] button to see this in action.
If you don't have any song lists on your site, you can check it out on the demo account.
This seems like something that would be nice to be able to
link to a band's web site (like the public calendar, etc.). If enough bands request
this I shall make it so. Thanks to Gary from BeoWulf for the suggestion.
February 07, 2004
Now the Agent Service Page headers behave the same way as the
Public Calendar headers do, as described in the May 16, 2003 entry.
Good news if you include your Agent Services Page as a <FRAMESET> element.
December 13, 2003
Minor improvements to GigAlert email.
The GigAlert email messages now include the song duration, if the
duration is more than one day.
Minor improvements to Stage Setlist.
The stage setlist now displays the number of songs in the set.
November 23, 2003
Minor improvements to GigAlert email.
(1) The GigAlert email messages now include the gig-type in the
subject line. This change is helpful for not raising
false-hopes that you actually have a gig when the GigAlert is
for a rehearsal. (2) GigAlerts now include a map URL so your
member can just click for a map.
October 26, 2003
Public Calendar Information For Fans.
Are you appearing with Saliva or The Village People
or maybe Aerosmith at your next gig? Or maybe you're giving away
free tee-shirts to the first 50 people in the door? You can now let your fans
know about this and any other information you might want them to know about with
the new Public Comments feature.
Just put your information in the new gig entry form text field titled "Gig
Notes For Public Calendar" and it will appear in your public calendar gig
If you use the export_xml feature, the public comments are specified with
the <comments> tag. Thanks to Chris from the
Rockin' band "Lost In The Zoo" for this suggestion.
August 18, 2003
Public Calendar Look and Feel Customization.
As you may already know, you have been able to set custom fonts and colors on your public
gig calendar and agent services pages. However it is now possible to customize
your pages to a much greater extent by using your very own cascading style sheets.
This is especially convenient if you use an external style sheet to provide your band's
website Look and Feel; by setting your website's style sheet on the WheresTheGig
"Site Config" page, your WheresTheGig public pages will automatically match your
website. See the FAQ for more details. Thanks to "Rustic"
for suggesting additional calendar customization.
July 16, 2003
Added a more functional Rehearsal Details page that gets shown
when you display "gig details" for a rehearsal. Also, I've provided some guidelines
for using WheresTheGig for organizing rehearsals here.
July 4, 2003
Added Admin Comments to the gig information. The admin comments
are located just below the regular gig comments on the gig entry form.
Admin comments, unlike regular gig comments, are seen only by administrators and not seen
by regular band members. They show up on the "Gig Details" page. Some examples
of use for this are (1) a communication record of client contacts, (2) gig expenses,
(3) notes on the gig performance. You can use it for whatever you want.
June 23, 2003
Added Notes attribute to a song entry.
The Notes field can be used to add a line of helpful information
that will be displayed on the stage set list. Some usage examples are
patch numbers, reminders about breaks in the second verse, and so on.
Thanks to John and his band "Not The Norm" for the suggestion.
May 27, 2003
Set/Song lists are finally in. Here are some of the highlights:
Easily import your existing songlist from a plain text file with one click.
Create or modify a set in seconds.
Two setlist views for your band: (1) Set "song information" view provides
links to the song mp3, lyrics sheet, and chart. (2) Set "stage" view
provides a stage-ready set list with large, readable printing.
Stage set list fonts have customizable colors, fonts, and styles.
Sets are integrated into your gig information, so band members can
get the performance information and show up at the gigs with set
lists in hand.
Clone function allows you to duplicate a set and then make small
modifications to the new set, so it's easy to make custom sets
for a specific gig.
Venue Comments can be included as part of the venue info.
You can use the comments
for anything you like. Some examples would be "Avoid club manager after
11:30, because he tends to hit the booze.", or
"Bar has two beers per set limit for band." The comments show up on
the Gig Details page.
(In addition to the massive amount of code I added for these modifications, I also
did a bit of "spring cleaning" to clean up existing code. I've tested things but
it's possible I've missed something. Please let me know if you run into any bugs. Thanks!)
May 16, 2003
Do you link your Public Calendar to your website?
I've added an option to suppress the title and header graphics on
the public calendar pages so it can integrate more smoothly into
your website look-and-feel. For example, you can use a <FRAMESET>
with the public calendar in a lower frame to maintain your navigation
bar, or to provide other text about the calendar itself. Check the
"Site Config" page to enable this.
I also improved the style-sheet
handling so the background and foreground are honored in the calendar itself.
March 22, 2003
WheresTheGig now handles rehearsals in a special way:
A Rehearsal gigtype is automatically provided.
They show up on gig lists in a special font.
They are color-coded.
Confirmed rehearsals show up with a special color on the band calendars.
Rehearsals never show up on the public calendar.
Rehearsals never show up on an agent service inquiry.
Thanks to Alison from Memphis Mafia for this great idea.
March 12, 2003
I've added an XML export function so that WheresTheGig can
"play well with others". This makes it easy for other web
applications or other programs to access your "Public Calendar"
information. See the faq for
March 6, 2003
This is convenient! You can now see gig information on the
calendars. Put your mouse on the calendar date and the
location and gig time should pop up. This works on the
administration calendar, the band-member page calendar, and the
"Set Gigs By Month" calendar.
Thanks to Tracy from the
The Factory band for the suggestion.
February 25, 2003
Anyone in your band that doesn't have a
computer but has a cellphone? Well, you can now download gig info to band members'
cellphones. This feature is currently undergoing testing. If you
want to be part of the testgroup, let me know and I'll enable it for your account.
November 9, 2002
Added venue website info to Gig Details page.
Reconfigured gig calendar so that the month selection is more conveniently located.
October 19, 2002
Do you play lots of nights at the same club? This modification
should help you out: You can now enter multiple gigs for a single venue, or
black-out multiple days in
seconds. After you click on the "New Gig" tab, click on the
"Add Gigs By Month" option. You will need to have templates
defined for the venues. See the Help link for more
information on templates.
Now, only Confirmed private gigs show up as "Private Event" on the
public calendar. Previously, unconfirmed private events would
also show up on the calendar. Thanks to Tracy from the
The Factory band for the suggestions.
Band members can now conveniently send email to band management from
their WheresTheGig page. Thanks to the band Front Page for the suggestion.
July 29, 2002
Added configurable link styles to July 26th modification.
July 26, 2002
Do you have a really cool band website with nifty colors and fonts? Are you annoyed
because the WheresTheGig Public Calendar and Agent Services
pages are bland black text on a white background?
Good News For You!
You can now set the background, foreground, and font for your public pages.
Set them in the Site Config page
in the Look and Feel of your public pages section. Thanks
to J.R. Rose and The Rocky Creek Band for the suggestion.
March 22, 2002
You can now configure gig attributes shown on your
administration gig schedule. Set them in the Site Config page
in the Attributes on your gig schedule section. Thanks
to the Maxwell Switch and After Hours bands
(independently) for the suggestion.
March 4, 2002
You can now set a venue URL. If the venue where you're performing
has a website, set it in the Venue Information page and it will show
up on your public calendar gig details so your fans can check it out. Thanks
to the Maxwell Switch band for the suggestion.
February 28, 2002
In a (probably misguided) attempt to make the site more interesting,
I've added a random quote to display on band member page if no "Band
Message" is set by band administration. These quotes were
"borrowed" from other websites. Feel free to send me more.
February 22, 2002
Improved public page headers: Band logo now links
back to band web page (if band URL is available). If no band
logo is available, band name is printed in place of logo.
February 9, 2002
Made this What's New page!
Added Gig Duration (on Add/Edit page) .
This is useful if you do multi-night gigs. You just enter the
gig once and set the duration, and then the gig shows up on all
of the consecutive dates. For example, if you have a
5-nighter from Tuesday through Saturday, just add the gig on the
Tuesday and set the duration to 5. This makes it really easy to
enter multi-night club gigs, especially if you're using
January 26, 2002
Added Cell Phone field to the
personnel data. A user requested the Cell Phone, and it seemed
like a good idea. It now shows up on the Gig Details page.
Added Info to the personnel data. I was motivated to add this
because I wanted a place to put musician backline requirements, but it's also a good
place to keep any other miscellaneous stuff related to a band member.
January 20, 2002
Added confirmation screen for GigAlert. Useful if someone
clicks it by accident.
December 09, 2001
Made email clickable on venue and personnel info pages.
October 28, 2001
Added help and feedback to band member page (was only on
admin page).
October 10, 2001
Added Delete Button for Personnel entries.
September 29, 2001
Added Delete Button for Venue entries.
September 02, 2001
Added Black Out date status.
Use Black Outs if you can't take a gig on a
date. (but not if you can't take a date on a gig :-).
July 01, 2001
Added Templates to gig entry page.
Templates are useful if you tend to play the same venue often.
Just fill in the info once.